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作/译者:谭万忠 出版社:科学出版社
ISBN:9787030459312 [十位:7030459318]
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Chapter 1 An Introduction to Academic English
1.1 Concept of academic English
1.2 Academic English course
1.3 The academic English course book
1.4 Organizing your study
1.5 Strategies for English learning
Chapter 2 Learning New Words and Extending Your Vocabulary
2.1 General strategies and skills for learning new words
2.2 English word formation
2.2.1 Conversion of words
2.2.2 Word compounding
2.2.3 Abbreviation
2.2.4 Affixation
2.3 Word roots
2.3.1 Some common roots
2.3.2 Exploring the basics ofroots
2.4 Word element
2.4.1 Origin of word elements
2.4.2 Some words and their element forms
Chapter 3 Techniques for Improving Efficiency of Reading English Literatures
3.1 Reading with a purpose
3.2 Using the title
3.3 Surveying a book
3.4 Surveying a text using first few lines of paragraphs
3.5 Surveying a text using the first and the last paragraphs
3.6 Scanning
3.7 Knowing meaning of words or phrases in context
3.8 Multiple reading skills by knowing the text organization
Chapter 4 Selected Readings in Biology and Agriculture
4.1 Microorganism
4.1.1 History
4.1.2 Classification and structure
4.1.3 Habitats and ecology
4.1.4 Importance
4.2 Agriculture
4.2.1 Etymology and terminology
4.2.2 History
4.2.3 Workforce
4.2.4 Safety
4.2.5 Agricultural production systems
4.2.6 Production practices
4.2.7 Crop alteration and biotechnology
4.2.8 Environmental impact
4.2.9 Agricultural economics
4.2.10 Agriculture policy
4.3 Systematics,taxonomy and classification
4.3.1 Theimportance of biological classification
4.3.2 Taxonomic hierarchies
4.3.3 The goals of classification systems
4.3.4 Phenetic systematics
4.3.5 Cladistic systematics
4.3.6 Constructing phylogenies
4.3.7 Taxonomic keys
4.3.8 Summary
4.4 Weed management in organic crop production
4.4.1 Prevention
4.4.2 Sanitation
4.4.3 Cultural control
4.4.4 Crop competition
4.4.5 Mechanical control by tillage
4.4.6 Harvest management
4.4.7 Other control methods
4.4.8 Allelopathy
4.4.9 Biological weed control
4.4.10 Conclusion
4.5 Genetically modified crops
4.5.1 Gene transfer in nature and traditional agriculture
4.5.2 History
4.5.3 Methods
4.5.4 Types ofgenetic engineering
4.5.5 Business of GM crops
4.5.6 Uses, actual and proposed
4.5.7 Extent of world wide use of GM crops
4.5.8 Examples of genetically modified crops
4.5.9 Effects on farming practices
4.5.10 Regulation
4.5.11 Controversy
4.6 Archaea: the life's extremists
4.6.1 Archaea fossil record
4.6.2 Archaeaecology
4.6.3 Archaea systematics
4.6.4 Archaea morphology
4.7 Plant genomics—sowing the seeds of success
4.7.1 Crop genomics: growing potential
4.7.2 Model behavior: lessons from Arabidopsis and Brachypodium
4.7.3 Sensing change: responses to the environment
4.7.4 The tree of life
4.7.5 Concluding remarks
4.8 Lichens: an alliance between kingdoms
4.8.1 Fossil record of lichens
4.8.2 Life history and ecology
4.8.3 Systematics of lichens
4.8.4 More on morphology of lichens
Chapter 5 Awareness and Correction of Errors in Writing
5.1 Some common causes of error
5.2 Errors and corrections in standard usage
5.2.1 Cases of nouns and pronouns
5.2.2 Agreement of verb with subject
5.2.3 Agreement of pronoun with antecedent
5.2.4 Agreement of denominative adjective with its object
5.3 Unity and coherence in the sentence
5.3.1 Unity of thought
5.3.2 Unity of structure
5.3.3 Coherence
5.4 Errors and correction in spelling
5.4.1 Some effective ways of reducing misspelling
5.4.2 Some principles of spelling
5.5 Correct use of vocabulary and grammar
5.6 Writing styles
5.7 Writing tentativeness
Chapter 6 Structural Organization and Cohesion of General Texts
6.1 AND type connectives
6.2 OR type connectives
6.3 BUT type connectives
Chapter 7 Language Function
7.1 Language function one: description
7.1.1 Describing the size of things
7.1.2 Describing shape and orientation
7.1.3 Describing climate
7.1.4 Describing process
7.2 Language function two: definition
7.2.1 General definition
7.2.2 Reduced definition
7.2.3 Definition of academic subjects
7.3 Language function three: exemplification
7.4 Language function four: classification and analysis
7.4.1 Classification
7.4.2 Analysis
7.5 Language function five: comparison and contrast
7.5.1 Comparison
7.5.2 Contrast
7.5.3 Superlative
7.5.4 Comparative
7.6 Language function fix: cause and effect
7.7 Language function seven: generalization and qualification
7.8 Language function eight:interpretation of data
7.9 Language function nine: argumentation
7.10 Language function ten: drawing conclusions
Chapter 8 Writing Business Letters
Chapter 9 Whiting a Research Paper
Appendix 1 Groups of Affixes of English Words
Appendix 2 Common Group of Irregular Verbs
Appendix 3 List of Irregular Nouns
Appendix 4 Some Common Latin Phrases in English Literatures
Appendix 5 Some New or Unfamiliar Words and Phrases in this Book
Appendix 6 Important References