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作/译者:Robert R.G.Yang 出版社:高等教育出版社
电磁场与电磁波(Electromagnetic Fields and Waves)(内容一致,印次、封面或原价不同,统一售价,随机发货)
ISBN:9787040186949 [十位:7040186942]
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《电磁场与电磁波(Electromagnetic Fields and Waves)(内容一致,印次、封面或原价不同,统一售价,随机发货)》内容提要:
This is a university-level textbook on electromagnetic fields and waves for undergraduate programs in electronic and information engineering, focusing on the basic properties of electromagnetic fields and waves, with emphasis on time-varying fields. With the rapid development of information technology, a thorough understanding of and familiarity with the properties of electromagnetic fields and waves, along with the relevant analytical tools and practical applications are expected for profession
《电磁场与电磁波(Electromagnetic Fields and Waves)(内容一致,印次、封面或原价不同,统一售价,随机发货)》图书目录:
Preface(For English version)

Chapter 1 Vector Analysis
1-1 Scalars and vectors
1-2 Vector algebra
1-3 Scalar product
1-4 Vector product
1-5 Directional derivative and gradient
1-6 Flux,divergence and the divergence theorem
1-7 Circulation,curl and Stokes’theorem
1-8 Solenoidal and irrotational fields
1-9 Green’S theorems
1-10 Uniqueness theorem for vector fields
1-11 Helmholtz’S theorem
1-12 0rthogonal curvilinear coordinates
Review questions

Chapter 2 Static Electric Fields
2-1 Field intensity,flux,and field lines
2-2 Equations for electrostatic fields in free space
2-3 Electric potential and equipotential surfaces
2-4 Polarization of dielectrics
2-5 Equations for electrostatic fields in dielectric
2-6 Boundary conditions for dielectric interfaces
2-7 Boundary conditions for dielectric-conductor interface
2-8 Capacitance
2-9 Energy in electrostatic field
2-10 Electric forces
Review questions

Chapter 3 Boundary-Value Problems in Electrostatics
3-1 Differential equations for electric potential
3-2 Uniqueness of solution of differential equations for electric potential
3-3 Method of images
3-4 Method of separation of variables in rectangular coordinates
3-5 Method of separation of variables in cylindrical coordinates
3-6 Method of separation of variables in spheftcal coordinates
Review questions
Chapter 4 Steady Electric Current Fields
4-1 Electric current and current density
4-2 Electromotive force
4-3 Principle of electric current continuitv
4-4 Boundary conditions for steady electric current fields
4-5 Energy dissipation in steady electric current fields
4-6 Electrostatic simulation
Review questions

Chapter 5 Steady Magnetic Fields
5-1 Flux density,flux and field lines
5-2 Equations for steady magnetic fields in free space
5-3 Vector and scalar magnetic potentials
5-4 Magnetization of media
5-5 Equations for steady magnetic fields in a medium
5-6 Boundary conditions for steady magnetic fields
Review questions

Chapter 6 Electromagnetic Inducfion
6-1 Law of electromagnetic induction
6-2 Inductance
6-3 Energy in steady magnetic fields
6-4 Magnetic forces
Review questions

Chapter 7 Time-varying Electromagnetic Fields
7-1 Displacement electric current
7-2 MaxweU's equations
7-3 Boundary conditions for time-varying electromagnetic fields
7-4 Scalar and vector potentials
7-5 Solution of equations for potentials
7-6 Energy density and energy flow density vector
7-7 Uniqueness theorem
7-8 Time-harmonic electromagnetic fields
7-9 Complex Maxwell's equations
7-10 Complex potentials
7-11 Complex energy density and energy flow density vector
Review questions

Chapter 8 Plane Electromagnetic Waves
8-1 Wave equations
8-2 Plane waves in perfect dielectrics
8-3 Plane waves in conducting media
8-4 Polarizations of plane waves
8-5 Normal incidence on a planar surface
8-6 Normal incidence at multiple boundaries
8-7 Plane waves in arbitrary directions
8-8 Oblique incidence at boundary between perfect dielectrics
8-9 Null and total reflections
8-10 Oblique incidence at conducting boundary
8-11 Oblique incidence at perfect conducting boundary
8-12 Plane waves in plasma
8-13 Plane waves in ferrite
Review questions

Chapter 9 Guided Electromagnetic Waves
9-1 TEM wave, TE wave, and TM wave
9-2 Equations for electromagnetic waves in rectangular waveguides
9-3 Characterization of electromagnetic waves in rectangular waveguides
9-4 TE wave in rectangular waveguides
9-5 Group velocity
9-6 Circular waveguides
9-7 Transmitted power and loss in waveguides
9-8 Resonant cavity
9-9 Coaxial lines
Review questions

Chapter 10 Electromagnetic Radiation and Principles
10-1 Radiation by electric current element
10-2 Directivity of antennas
10-3 Radiation by symmetrical antennas
10-4 Radiation by antenna arrays
10-5 Radiation by electric current loop
10-6 Principle of duality
10-7 Principle of image
10-8 Principle of reciprocity
10-9 Huygens' principle
10-10 Radiations by aperture antennas
Review questions

1. Symbols, units and dimensions of physical quantities
2. Decimal multiples and submultiples and their prefixes
3. Vector identities
4. Orthogonal coordinates system
5. functions
6. Bessel functions
7. Legendre functions
8. Freqency bands and their utilizations
《电磁场与电磁波(Electromagnetic Fields and Waves)(内容一致,印次、封面或原价不同,统一售价,随机发货)》文章节选:
This is an English translation of the textbook "Electromagnetic fields and elec-tromagnetic waves", written by Rugui Yang and published by Higher Education Pressin 2003. The initial translation was conducted by Robert R. G. Yang. Further re-view and revision of the translation was performed by Thomas T. Y. Wong. Professor Yang is with Southwest Jiaotong University of China, where he was the director of the Electromagnetics Institute. Professor Wong is with the Illinois Institute of Technology(IIT) in USA, where he is the director of the Microwave Laboratory and the chair-man of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at liT.
To facilitate bilingual teaching and learning, much effort has been devoted to preserving the original syntax as well as the style of presentation vested in the Chinese text, while being mindful of the intrinsic differences between the two languages.
The assistance in word processing provided by Ming Yan and Feng Gao, both doctoral students in electrical engineering at IIT, has been a significant contribution to the preparation of the revised manuscript.
Questions and comments on this book will be much appreciated. Readers are en-couraged to visit the Website at http://lxy, swjtu, edu. cn/emi/books/emfw/ emfw. asp.
《电磁场与电磁波(Electromagnetic Fields and Waves)(内容一致,印次、封面或原价不同,统一售价,随机发货)》作者介绍:
Robert R.G.Yang was graduated frOm Department of Radio En-gineering,Xi’an Jiaotong University.He was teaching assistant,lectur-er,associate professor of Xi’an Jiaotong University,and the director of Electromagnetlcs Institute of Southwest Jiaotong University.Currently, he is professor and Ph.D.adviser of Southwest Jiaotong University. Professor Yang ever worked in the famous University of Illinois at U rba-na-Champaign,USA,for six years。After graduation,he is engaged in teaching and research on electromagnetic theory,antenna theory and design,and satellite positioning and communication.He has been responsible for severaI national projects regarding mobile com-munication antennas,satellite positioning antennas,electromagnetic scattering,analysis and synthesis of cylindrical antenna array,and mi-crowave observable materials.Recently,he published tens of papers in the domestic and International academic periodicals and confer- ences.
Professor Yang has been on the teaching works for undergradu-ates and graduates.He authored“Electromagnetic Fields and Waves”(Xi’an Jiaotong University Press,1989),“Auxiliary Functions in Electromagnetic Theory”(Higher Education Press,1992),“Electromag-netic Theorems and Principles”(Southwest Jiaotong University Press,2002), and " Electromagnetic Fields and Electromagnetic Waves"(Higher Education Press, 2003). In addition, he coauthored "Electro-magnetic Theory"( Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, 1991 )with Dazhang Chen and Pengcheng Liu.
During his work in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, he owned the patents of the compact and stacked microstrip antennas, and won the best paper award about GPS antenna from Institute of Navigation, USA. Professor Yang also won the honors of the Distinguish Teacher and the Excellent Teaching from Xi'an Jiaotong University, the awards of Hongyu Distinguish Teacher from Southwest Jiaotong Univer-sity, and The Scientific and Technical Development of Zhan Tianyou from Ministry of Railways of China. Professor Yang enjoys the special subsidy from the State Council.
Thomas T.Y.Wong iS Professor and Chairman of ElectricaI and Computer Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology,where he is the founding director of the Microwave Laboratory.
He received the from the University of Hong Kong in 1975.and the M.S.and Ph.D.deg rees from Northwestern University in 1978 and 1980 respectively,all deg rees being in electrical engineering.From 1975 to 1976,he was a Product Engineer at Motorola Semicon-ductor(Hong Kong)Sector.He pursued graduate research at North-western University,where he pa rticipated ln the development of mi-crowave equipment for material property measurement covering the frequency range of 1 MHz to 60GHz.He made measurements on the conductivity properties of solid electrolytes and developed a theoreti-cal model for charge transport from which a scaling relation for identif-y Jng iump dIffusion Process was obtained.
He lolned the lIltnois Institute of Technology In 198l as an Assistant Professor.In this role.he introduced courses on microwave theory, electron devices。quantum electronics,and electronic materials, while initiating resea rch on transient phenomena and wave propaga-tion effects in high-speed semiconductor devices and integ rated cir-cuits.Out of this early e仟ort.he developed the numericaI Bromwich integration to enable the early-time response of devices and electro-magnetic seatterers to be calculated to any specified precision,and established 150 U m as the upper bound for the width of the gate pe-riphery of a GaAs field-effect transistor for negligible pulse dispersion.
In the ensuing years.he established the Microwave Laboratory, which supported research efforts on nonlinear device measurements, broadband millimeter-wave communication systems, semi-open struc-tures for material property measurements, and dielectric resonator ap-plications. He collaborated with national laboratories in research on particle acceleration and laser measurements. He published the first book on the subject of distributed amplification ( Fundamentals of Dis-tributed Amplification, Artech 1993) and it remains until today the only book on this subject since the concept was put forth over 50 years ago. He is the originator of several patents on microwave electronics and wireless communication system design.
He was the Graduate Program Director of the ECE Department of IIT from 1987-1995, and in the 1998 academic year, he was the Chair of the University Faculty Council. He served on the organizing committee of several international conferences and is a frequent reviewer for sev-eral engineering journals and technical book publishers.