Calculus and statistics 微积分与统计学
数学方法及博弈论、程序和经济/Mathematical methods and theory in games
100 great problems of elementary mathematics 初等数学100题
Probability 概率论
空间与时间/Space and time
Experimental statistics试验统计学
二人博弈/Two-person game theory
The theory of numbers 数论
Vector methods applied to differential geometry, mechanics, and potential theory 向量法在微分几何、力学、位势论中的应用
The Malliavin calculus 随机变分
世界论-从古代到哥白尼革命/Theories of the world from antiquity to the Copernican Revolution
Li, qi, and shu 李 齐 舒
Practical conic sections 实用锥剖分
Integral equations 积分方程
Arithmetic refresher for practical men重温算数
Introduction to topology 拓扑学导论
General topology 一般拓扑学
Matrix theory 矩阵论
The theory of graphs 图论
Infinitesimal calculus 无穷小量微积分
Linear algebra and geometry 线性代数与几何
Nonstandard analysis 非标准分析
从高观点看初等数学/Elementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint
Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics 量子力学的数学基础
Plane waves and spherical means applied to partial differential equations 平面波法与球面平均法在偏微分方程中的应用
数论中的三角和方法/The method of trigonometrical sums in the theory of numbers
Individual choice behavior 个体选择行为
Non-Riemannian geometry 非黎曼几何
The theory of remainders 余数理论
Gauge theory and variational principles 估价理论与变分原理
调和分析与概率论/Harmonic analysis and the theory of probability
Introductory numerical analysis 数值分析导论
The theory of spinors 旋度论
Counterexamples in topology 拓扑学中的反例
Fundamentals of number theory 数论基础
Challenging problems in algebra
Challenging problems in geometry 几何难题
半单李代数及其表示Semi-simple Lie algebras and their representations
A combinatorial introduction to topology 拓扑学的组合导引
Riemannis zeta function 黎曼Zeta函数
Lambda-matrices and vibrating systems 矩阵与振荡系统
Counterexamples in analysis 分析中的反例
Complex variable methods in elasticity 弹性力学中的复变数法
Fourier series and orthogonal polynomials 傅里叶级数与正交多项式
应用非标准分析/Applied nonstandard analysis
The early mathematical manuscripts of Leibniz 莱布尼茨早期数学手稿
Algebraic Geometry代数几何
射影几何讲义/Lectures in projective geometry
Interpolation 插值
微积分精要及应用/Essential calculus with applications
Matrices and linear transformations 矩阵与线性变换
Differential geometry 微分几何
Mathematical modelling techniques 数学建模技术
Differential geometry 微分几何
组合优化/Combinatorial optimization
Special functions for scientists and engineers 科学家和工程师的特殊函数
Real computing made real 科学计算
Real analysis 实分析
Special functions and their applications特殊函数及其应用
Introductory real analysis 实分析导论
Games and decisions 博弈与决策
Information theory 信息论
Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers科学家与工程师的偏微分方程
集合论与数学基础/Mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics
Boolean reasoning 布尔推理
Fundamentals of scientific mathematics 科学数学基础
The elements of non-Euclidean geometry 非欧几何原理
The origins of Cauchyis rigorous calculus柯西严谨微积分的起源
数论历史:二次型与高次型/History Of The Theory Of Numbers: Quadratic And Higher Forms
Linear algebra 线性代数
Introduction to linear algebra and differential equations 线性代数与微分方程导论
Tensors, differential forms, and variational principles 张量 微分型与变分法
Foundations and fundamental concepts of mathematics 数学基础与基本概念
数学的世界/The world of mathematics vol
The world of mathematics vol 3数学的世界 v3
数学的世界 v4 The world of mathematics vol 4
The world of mathematics vol 1数学的世界 v1
Differential equations with applications 微分方程及应用
初等微分方程第二教程A second course in elementary differential equations
A history of Japanese mathematics 日本数学史
Variational principles 变分原理
Calculus 微积分
History of analytic geometry 解析几何史
Applications of the theory of matrices 矩阵论的应用
Mathematics for the physical sciences 物理科学中的数学
Complex variables 复变数
Combinatorial algorithms. 组合算法
The convolution transform 卷积变换
线性代数与射影几何/Linear algebra and projective geometry
Building models by games 在游戏中建模
Advanced calculus of several variables 多元高等微积分
Combinatorial optimization 组合优化
Applied functional analysis 应用泛函分析
Understanding infinity 理解无穷
不变子空间/Invariant subspaces
Advanced trigonometry 高等三角学
闵可夫斯基时空几何 The geometry of Minkowski spacetime
Profile of Mathematical Logic数理逻辑轮廓
Euclidean Geometry and Transformations欧氏几何与变换
Partial differential equations 偏微分方程