BUD, NOT BUDDY (巴德不是巴迪)
The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Pericles(Cambridge Companions to the Ancient World) (剑桥古文明指南--伯里克利时代)
The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Justinian(Cambridge Companions to the Ancient World)(剑桥古文明指南--东罗马帝国时代)
The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Law(Cambridge Companions to the Ancient World) (剑桥古文明指南--古希腊法)
The Cambridge Companion to Homer(Cambridge Companions to the Ancient World) (剑桥古文明指南--荷马)
The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Constantine (Cambridge Companions to the Ancient World) (剑桥古文明指南--康斯坦丁时代)
The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Republic (Cambridge Companions to the Ancient World) (剑桥古文明指南--罗马共和国)
The Cambridge Companion to the Hellenistic World(Cambridge Companions to the Ancient World) (剑桥古文明指南--希腊文化圈)
The Cambridge Companion to W. E. B. Du Bois(Cambridge Companions to American Studies) (剑桥美国研究指南--W.E.B杜波伊斯)
The Cambridge Companion to Benjamin Franklin (Cambridge Companions to American Studies) (剑桥美国研究指南--本杰明·富兰克林)
The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Jefferson (Cambridge Companions to American Studies) (剑桥美国研究指南--托玛斯·杰弗逊)
The Cambridge Companion to Modern Irish Culture(Cambridge Companions to Culture)(剑桥文化指南--现代爱尔兰文化)
The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Culture (Cambridge Companions to Culture)(剑桥文化指南--现代美国文化)
The Cambridge Companion to Modern Italian Culture(Cambridge Companions to Culture) (剑桥文化指南--现代意大利文化)
The Cambridge Companion to Modern Chinese Culture (Cambridge Companions to Culture)(剑桥文化指南--现代中国文化)
The Cambridge Companion to the Eighteenth-Century Novel(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--18世纪的小说)
The Cambridge Companion to Nineteenth-Century American Women's Writing(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--19世纪美国女性作品)
The Cambridge Companion to Harriet Beecher Stowe(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--H·B·斯托)
The Cambridge Companion to Robert Frost(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--R·弗罗斯特)
The Cambridge Companion to Sam Shepard (Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--S·谢伯德)
The Cambridge Companion to T. S. Eliot(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--T.S.艾略特)
The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--V.沃尔夫)
The Cambridge Companion to W. H. Auden(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--W.H.奥登)
The Cambridge Companion to Aphra Behn(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--阿弗拉·贝恩)
The Cambridge Companion to Edgar Allan Poe(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--埃德加·爱伦·坡)
The Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson (Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--埃米莉·迪更生)
The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound(Cambridge Companions to Literature)
The Cambridge Companion to Edward Albee(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--爱德华·阿尔比)
The Cambridge Companion to the Irish Novel (Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--爱尔兰小说)
The Cambridge Companion to August Wilson (Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--奥古斯特·威尔逊)
The Cambridge Companion to Oscar Wilde(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--奥斯卡·王尔德)
The Cambridge Companion to Ovid(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--奥维德)
The Cambridge Companion to Australian Literature (Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--澳大利亚文学)
The Cambridge Companion to Byron(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--拜伦)
The Cambridge Companion to Beckett(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--贝克特)
The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--本·琼森)
The Cambridge Companion to Baudelaire(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--波德莱尔)
The Cambridge Companion to Brecht(Cambridge Companions to Literature) , (2nd Edition) (剑桥文学指南--布莱希特,第2版)
The Cambridge Companion to Brian Friel(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--布赖恩·弗莱尔 )
The Cambridge Companion to Charles Dickens(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--查尔斯·狄更斯)
The Cambridge Companion to David Hare(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--戴维·黑尔)
The Cambridge Companion to David Mamet(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--戴维·马梅)
The Cambridge Companion to Dante(Cambridge Companions to Literature) , (2nd Edition) (剑桥文学指南--但丁,第2 版)
The Cambridge Companion to Contemporary Irish Poetry(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--当代爱尔兰诗歌)
The Cambridge Companion to Theodore Dreiser(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--狄奥多拉·德莱塞)
The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of World War II (Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--第二次世界大战时期的文学)
The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of the First World War(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--第一次世界大战时期的文学)
The Cambridge Companion to the Classic Russian Novel(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--俄罗斯古典小说)
The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century Irish Drama (Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--二十世纪的爱尔兰戏剧)
The Cambridge Companion to the French Novel, From 1800 to the Present(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--法国小说,1800年至今)
The Cambridge Companion to the African American Novel(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--非裔美国人小说)
The Cambridge Companion to Philip Roth(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--菲利普·罗斯)
The Cambridge Companion to F. Scott Fitzgerald(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--弗.司各特.菲茨杰拉德)
The Cambridge Companion to Frances Burney(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--弗朗西斯·伯尼)
The Cambridge Companion to Flaubert(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--福楼拜)
The Cambridge Companion to Gothic Fiction(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--哥特小说)
The Cambridge Companion to Goethe (Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--歌德)
The Cambridge Companion to Harold Pinter(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--哈罗德·平特)
The Cambridge Companion to Hemingway(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--海明威)
The Cambridge Companion to Horace(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--贺瑞斯)
The Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--赫尔曼·梅尔维尔)
The Cambridge Companion to Henry David Thoreau(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--亨利·大卫·梭罗)
The Cambridge Companion to Henry James(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--亨利·詹姆斯)
The Cambridge Companion to Postmodernism(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--后现代主义)
The Cambridge Companion to Walt Whitman(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--惠特曼)
The Cambridge Companion to Christian Ethics(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--基督教伦理学)
The Cambridge Companion to Keats(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--济慈)
The Cambridge Companion to Camus(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--加缪)
The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--简·奥斯汀)
The Cambridge Companion to Kafka(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--卡夫卡)
The Cambridge Companion to Kate Chopin (Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--凯特·肖邦)
The Cambridge Companion to Coleridge(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--柯立芝)
The Cambridge Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生)
The Cambridge Companion to Lacan(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--拉康)
The Cambridge Companion to Fiction in the Romantic Period(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--浪漫主义时期小说)
The Cambridge Companion to Lucretius (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
The Cambridge Companion to Roman Satire(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--罗马的讽刺文学)
The Cambridge Companion to Mark Twain(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--马克·吐温)
The Cambridge Companion to Margaret Atwood(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--玛格丽特·阿特伍德)
The Cambridge Companion to Mary Wollstonecraft(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--玛丽·沃尔斯通克拉夫特)
The Cambridge Companion to Native American Literature(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--美国本土文学)
The Cambridge Companion to American Realism and Naturalism, From Howells to London(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--美国的现实主义与自然主义,从豪威尔斯到杰克伦敦)
The Cambridge Companion to American Women Playwrights (Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--美国女剧作家)
The Cambridge Companion to American Modernism(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--美国现代主义)
The Cambridge Companion to Milton(Cambridge Companions to Literature) , (2nd Edition) (剑桥文学指南--米尔顿,第2版)
The Cambridge Companion to Moliere(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--莫里哀)
The Cambridge Companion to Feminist Literary Theory(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--女性主义文学理论)
The Cambridge Companion to the Actress(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--女演员)
The Cambridge Companion to Primo Levi(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--普里莫·莱维)
The Cambridge Companion to Proust(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--普鲁斯特)
The Cambridge Companion to Pushkin(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--普希金)
The Cambridge Companion to Chekhov(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--契诃夫)
The Cambridge Companion to Jonathan Swift(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--乔纳森·斯威夫特)
The Cambridge Companion to George Eliot(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--乔治·艾略特)
The Cambridge Companion to Salman Rushdie(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--萨尔曼·拉什迪)
The Cambridge Companion to Samuel Johnson(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--塞缪尔·约翰逊)
The Cambridge Companion to Cervantes(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--塞万提斯)
The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--莎士比亚)