The Conquest of Happiness(幸福的获得)
The Practice of Tempera Painting
J.S. Bach, Vol. 2
Chopin: The Man and His Music
Hear Me Talkin’ to Ya
Beethoven: Impressions by His Contemporaries
The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry
The Painter’s Methods and Materials
Alphabets and Ornaments
Heads, Features and Faces
The Elements of Drawing
Devils, Demons, and Witchcraft: 244 Illustrations for Artists
African Designs from Traditional Sources
Beethoven’s Letters
Ornamentation and Illustrations from the Kelmscott Chaucer
Empire Style Designs and Ornaments
Piano Tuning: A Simple and Accurate Method for Amateurs
A Treasury of Stencil Designs for Artists and Craftsmen
Pictorial Composition: An Introduction
Art Nouveau Floral Ornament in Color
Scroll Ornaments of the Early Victorian Period
Women: A Pictorial Archive from Nineteenth-Century Sources
On Divers Arts
Ready-to-Use Food and Drink Spot Illustrations
Rembrandt Landscape Drawings
Fanciful Victorian Initials: 1,142 Decorative Letters from "Punch"
Principles of the Flute, Recorder and Oboe (Principes De La Flute)