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1 The Electromagnetic Model
1-1 Introduction
1-2 The Electromagnetic Model
1-3 SI Units and Universal Constants
Review Questions
2 Vector Analysis
2-1 Introduction
2-2 Vector Addition and Subtraction
2-3 Products of Vectors
2-3.1 Scalar or Dot Product
2-3.2 Vector or Cross Product
2-3.3 Product of Three Vectors
2-4 Orthogonal Coordinate Systems
2-4.1 Cartesian Coordinates
2-4.2 Cylindrical Coordinates
2-4.3 Spherical Coordinates
2-5 Integrals Containing Vector Functions
2-6 Gradient of a Scalar Field
2-7 Divergence of a Vector Field
2-8 Divergence Theorem
2-9 Curt of a Vector Field
2-10 Stokes's Theorem
2-11 Two Null Identities
2-11.1 Identity Ⅰ
2-11.2 Identity Ⅱ
2-12 Helmholtz's Theorem
Review Questions
3 Static Electric Fields
3-1 Introduction
3-2 Fundamental Postulates of Electrostatics in Free Space
3-3 Coulomb's Law
3-3.1 Electric Field Due to a System of Discrete Charges
3-3.2 Electric Field Due to a Continuous Distribution of Charge
3-4 Gauss's Law and Applications
3-5 Electric Potential
3 5.1 Electric Potential Due to a Charge Distribution
3-6 Conductors in Static Electric Field
3-7 Dielectrics in Static Electric Field
3-7.1 Equivalent Charge Distributions of Polarized Dielectrics
3-8 Electric Flux Density and Dielectric Constant
3-8.1 Dielectric Strength
3-9 Boundary Conditions for Electrostatic Fields
3-10 Capacitance and Capacitors
3-10.1 Series and Parallel Connections of Capacitors
3-10.2 Capacitances in Multiconductor Systems
3-10.3 Electrostatic Shielding
3-11 Electrostatic Energy and Forces
3-11.1 Electrostatic Energy in Terms of Field Quantities
3-11.2 Electrostatic Forces
Review Questions
4 Solution of Electrostatic Problems
4-1 Introduction
4-2 Poisson's and Laplace's Equations
4-3 Uniqueness of Electrostatic Solutions
4-4 Method of Images
4-4.1 Point Charge and Conducting Planes
4-4.2 Line Charge and Parallel Conducting Cylinder
4-4.3 Point Charge and Conducting Sphere
4-4.4 Charged Sphere and Grounded Plane
4-5 Boundary-Value Problems in Cartesian Coordinates
4-6 Boundary-Value Problems in Cylindrical Coordinates
4-7 Boundary-Value Problems in Spherical Coordinates
Review Questions
5 Steady Electric Currents
5-1 Introduction
5-2 Current Density and Ohm's Law
5-3 Electromotive Force and Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
5-4 Equation of Continuity and Kirchhoff's Current Law
5-5 Power Dissipation and Joule's Law
5-6 Boundary Conditions for Current Density
5-7 Resistance Calculations
Review Questions
6 Static Magnetic Fields
6-1 Introduction
6-2 Fundamental Postulates of Magnetostatics in Free Space
6-3 Vector Magnetic Potential
6-4 The Biot-Savart Law and Applications
6-5 The Magnetic Dipole
6-5.1 Scalar Magnetic Potential
6-6 Magnetization and Equivalent Current Densities
6-6.1 Equivalent Magnetization Charge Densities
6-7 Magnetic Field Intensity and Relative Permeability
6-8 Magnetic Circuits
6-9 Behavior of Magnetic Materials
6-10 Boundary Conditions for Magnetostatic Fields
6-11 Inductances and Inductors
6-12 Magnetic Energy
6-12.1 Magnetic Energy in Terms of Field Quantities
6-13 Magnetic Forces and Torques
6-13.1 Hall Effect
6-13.2 Forces and Torques on Current-Carrying Conductors
6-13.3 Forces and Torques in Terms of Stored Magnetic Energy
6-13.4 Forces and Torques in Terms of Mutual Inductance
Review Questions
7 Time-Varying Fields and Maxwelrs Equations
7-1 Introduction
7-2 Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction
7-2.1 A Stationary Circuit in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field
7-2.2 Transformers
7-2.3 A Moving Conductor in a Static Magnetic Field
7-2.4 A Moving Circuit in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field
7-3 Maxwell's Equations
7-3.1 Integral Form of Maxwell's Equations
7-4 Potential Functions
7-5 Electromagnetic Boundary Conditions
7-5.1 Interface between Two Lossless Linear Media
7-5.2 Interface between a Dielectric and a Perfect Conductor
7-6 Wave Equations and Their Solutions
7-6.1 Solution of Wave Equations for Potentials
7-6.2 Source-Free Wave Equations
7-7 Time-Harmonic Fields
7-7.1 The Use of Phasors—A Review
7-7.2 Time-Harmonic Electromagnetics
7-7.3 Source-Free Fields in Simple Media
7-7.4 The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Review Questions
8 Plane Electromagnetic Waves
8-1 Introduction
8-2 Plane Waves in Lossless Media
8-2.1 Doppler Effect
8-2.2 Transverse Electromagnetic Waves
8-2.3 Polarization of Plane Waves
8-3 Plane Waves in Lossy Media
8-3.1 Low-Loss Dielectrics
8-3.2 Good Conductors
8-3.3 Ionized Gases
8-4 Group Velocity
8-5 Flow of Electromagnetic Power and the Poynting Vector
8-5.1 Instantaneous and Average Power Densities
8-6 Normal Incidence at a Plane Conducting Boundary
8-7 Oblique Incidence at a Plane Conducting Boundary
8-7.1 Perpendicular Polarization
8-7.2 Parallel Polarization
8-8 Normal Incidence at a Plane Dielectric Boundary
8-9 Normal Incidence at Multiple Dielectric Interfaces
8-9.1 Wave Impedance of the Total Field
8-9.2 Impedance Transformation with Multiple Dielectrics
8-10 Oblique Incidence at a Plane Dielectric Boundary
8-10.l Total Reflection
8-10.2 Perpendicular Polarization
8-10.3 Parallel Polarization
Review Questions
9 Theory and Applications of Transmission Lines
9-1 Introduction
9-2 Transverse Electromagnetic Wave along a Parallel-Plate Transmission Line
9-2.1 Lossy Parallel-Plate Transmission Lines
9-2.2 Microstrip Lines
9-3 General Transmission-Line Equations
9-3.1 Wave Characteristics on an Infinite Transmission Line
9-3.2 Transmission-Line Parameters
9-3.3 Attenuation Constant from Power Relations
9-4 Wave Characteristics on Finite Transmission Lines
9-4.1 Transmission Lines as Circuit Elements
9-4.2 Lines with Resistive Termination
9-4.3 Lines with Arbitrary Termination
9-4.4 Transmissionq~ine Circuits
9-5 Transients on Transmission Lines
9-5.1 Reflection Diagrams
9-5.2 Pulse Excitation
9-5.3 Initially Charged Line
9-5.4 Line with Reactive Load
9-6 The Smith Chart
9-6.1 Smith-Chart Calculations for Lossy Lines
9-7 Transmission-Line Impedance Matching
9-7.1 Impedance Matching by Quarter-Wave Transformer
9-7.2 Single-Stub Matching
9-7.3 Double-Stub Matching
Review Questions
10 Waveguides and Cavity Resonators
10-1 Introduction
10-2 General Wave Behaviors along Uniform Guiding Structures
10-2.1 Transverse Electromagnetic Waves
10-2.2 Transverse Magnetic Waves
10-2.3 Transverse Electric Waves
10-3 Parallel-Plate Waveguide
10-3.1 TM Waves between Parallel Plates
10-3.2 TE Waves between Parallel Plates
10-3.3 Energy-Transport Velocity
10-3.4 Attenuation in Parallel-Plate Waveguides
10-4 Rectangular Waveguides
10-4.1 TM Waves in Rectangular Waveguides
10-4.2 TE Waves in Rectangular Waveguides
10-4.3 Attenuation in Rectangular Waveguides
10-4.4 Discontinuities in Rectangular Waveguides
10-5 Circular Waveguides
10-5.1 Bessel's Differential Equation and Bessel Functions
10-5.2 TM Waves in Circular Waveguides
10-5.3 TE Waves in Circular Waveguides
10-6 Dielectric Waveguides
10-6.1 TM Waves along a Dielectric Slab
10-6.2 TE Waves along a Dielectric Slab
10-6.3 Additional Comments on Dielectric Waveguides
10-7 Cavity Resonators
10-7.1 Rectangular Cavity Resonators
10-7.2 Quality Factor of Cavity Resonator
10-7.3 Circular Cavity Resonator
Review Questions
11 Antennas and Radiating Systems
11-1 Introduction
11-2 Radiation Fields of Elemental Dipoles
11-2.1 The Elemental Electric Dipole
11-2.2 The Elemental Magnetic Dipole
11-3 Antenna Patterns and Antenna Parameters
11-4 Thin Linear Antennas
11-4.1 The Half-Wave Dipole
11-4.2 Effective Antenna Length
11-5 Antenna Arrays
11-5.1 Two-Element Arrays
11-5.2 General Uniform Linear Arrays
11-6 Receiving Antennas
11-6.1 Internal Impedance and Directional Pattern
11-6.2 Effective Area
11-6.3 Backscatter Cross Section
11-7 Transmit-Receive Systems
11-7.1 Friis Transmission Formula and Radar Equation
11-7.2 Wave Propagation near Earth's Surface
11-8 Some Other Antenna Types
11-8.1 Traveling-Wave Antennas
11-8.2 Helical Antennas
11-8.3 Yagi-Uda Antenna
11-8.4 Broadband Antennas
11-9 Aperture Radiators
Review Questions
A Symbols and Units
A-1 Fundamental SI (Rationalized MKSA) Units
A-2 Derived Quantities
A-3 Multiples and Submultiples of Units
B Some Useful Material Constants
B-1 Constants of Free Space
B-2 Physical Constants of Electron and Proton
B-3 Relative Permittivities(Dielectric Constants)
B-4 Conductivities
B-5 Relative Permeabilities
C Index of Tables
General Bibliography
Answers to Selected Problems
Some Useful Items
Some Useful Vector Identities
Gradient, Divergence, Curl, and Laplacian Operations in Cartesian Coordinates
Gradient, Divergence, Curl, and Laplacian Operations in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates