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《新东方:六级阅读100主题》汇聚了新东方长期从事英语教学和研究工作的一线教师、辅导专家和**编辑。他们具有丰富的教学经验,准确把握各类考试命题的指导思想、命题规律和命题趋势,熟知考生备考阶段存在的弱点和误区。所编写的辅导用书凝聚了多年教学实践和理论探索之精华,方便考生明确备考方向,**复习迎考。 新东方.六级阅读100主题_新东方考试研究** 著_西安交通大学出版社_
1. Boys and Girls Are from Different Planets 男女来自不同星球
2. Human Daily Cycle 人类的生物钟
3. Lying Is an Unnatural Act 撒谎是非自然行为
4. “Directed” or “Programmed” Research “定向”科学研究
5. Gene Therapy and Gene-Based Drugs 基因**与基因**
6. Aging and Death 衰老和死亡
7. Human Beings Are Social Mammals 人是社会型哺乳动物
8. Sleep and Memory 睡眠与记忆
9. Future Life 未来生活
10. Sensory Evaluation of Food 食品感官评价
11. The Effects of Robots 机器人的影响
12. The New Map of the Brain 大脑新图
13. Why Don't We Learn from Mistakes? 为什么我们不从错误中吸取教训?
14. Eyes Replace a Keyboard and Mouse 眼睛代替键盘和鼠标
15. Why Is Education Democratic in Tribal Societies? 为什么部落社会的教育是民主的?
16. Commerce and Academics 商业与学术
17. Educational Reform 教育改革
18. Intellect 知识分子
19. Linguistics 语言学
20. Education Standards Are not the Answer 教育标准不是答案
21. College Admission: the Board Game 大学招生:棋盘游戏
22. Web of Risks 网络风险
23. Take a Seat at the Bottom of the Class 占据班级*后一名的席位
24. Computer and Multimedia in Education 计算机与多媒体教学
25. Substance Abuse **滥用
26. Vaccines: Methods and Implications 疫苗:方法与启示
27. Skin Cancer 皮肤癌
28. Evolutionary Suicide 进化自杀
29. Health Problems 健康问题
30. Active Euthanasia 积极的安乐死
31. Sleep and Dream 睡眠与做梦
32. You'll Grow a New Heart in 2021 2021年你会长个新心脏
33. Asbestos Associated with Deaths 石棉威胁生命
34. Cancer Spouses Have Mental Ills 癌症患者的配偶有精神疾病
35. Human Growth Hormone Use Rises Legal? 生长激素使用的上升是否合法?
36. Siesta and Health 午睡与健康
37. The Result of the Falling US Dollar 美元下跌的结果
38. Failure Is the Best Medicine 失败*是良药
39. Pain without Gain 劳而无获
40. Early Retirement is Harming Economy 提前退休损害经济发展
41. Global Financial Contagion 全球金融危机蔓延
42. Supersystems and Monopoly **系统和垄断
43. Web Business 网络商务
44. The Entrepreneur 企业家
45. American Economy 美国经济
46. The Current Interest Rates Policy Harm Farmers 高利息政策损害农民利益
47. Economy is Cooling 经济放缓
48. The Growth of the Limited Liability Company 有限责任公司的发展
49. Trade Unions 工会组织
50. Successful Businesses Survive 成功企业的生存法则
51. Whiskey by George Washington 乔治?华盛顿威士忌
52. How to Establish the Best Brands 如何打造*好的品牌
53. Joint International Business Venture 合资跨国企业
54. A High Life on the High Seas 海上的高品位生活
55. Rewards and Punishments in Different Culture 不同文化里的奖惩
56. The Unhappy American Way 不幸福的美国方式
57. The Reasons for Botticelli?蒺s Unpopularity 波提切利不受欢迎的原因
58. The Great Outburst of Major Inventions 伟大发明的集中涌现
59. Christmas Traditions 圣诞节的传统
60. Don't Blame Hip-Hop 不要指责嘻哈
61. English Rates First in Latino Families 英语位列拉丁美洲裔家庭语言首位
62. Computers and Music in the Digital Age 数字时代的电脑和音乐
63. The Creation Museum 创造论博物馆
64. Investing in Art 投资艺术
65. Coltrane?蒺s Musical Explorations 科特兰的音乐探索
66. 9,000-year-old Dental Drill Is Found 考古发现了9000年前的牙钻
67. Definition of Success 成功的定义
68. The Titanic 泰坦尼克号
69. Televised Violence 电视暴力
70. Journalism Credibility Project 新闻可信度工程
71. Television in the Bedroom 卧室里的电视
72. Cloning Scientist on Fraud Charges 克隆科学家欺诈案
73. We Can Help Dogs Lose Weight 我们可以帮助狗狗**
74. Flying Backwards and Forwards 飞来飞去
75. Black is Beautiful 黑人也很美
76. Mechanization 机械化
77. Manners Are Non-existent 道德缺失
78. Where to Turn for Expert Information 去哪儿寻求专家信息
79. A Sense of Humor 幽默感
80. To Improve Public Appreciation of Science 改善公众对科学的认识
81. Digital Divide 数字鸿沟
82. Urban Life 城市生活
83. Another Kind of Internet Addiction 另一种网瘾
84. Hunting for a Job on the Internet 网上求职
85. Unemployed Failing 失业的危害
86. How to Encourage People to Be Creative 如何激励创新
87. Womenomics Revisited 女性经济卷土重来
88. Three Forms of Marriage 三种婚姻形式
89. Pretending not just Child's Play “过家家”不只是孩子的游戏
90. Ideas for Making a Kitchen Cheerful 打造快乐厨房的理念
91. Energy Crisis 能源危机
92. The Sea Supplies People with Food 海洋为人类提供食物
93. Global Warming Slows the Winds 全球变暖减慢风速
94. Our Durable Planet 我们耐用的地球
95. Price for Decreased Acid Rain 减少酸雨的代价
96. Plant a Tree and Save the Earth? 植树拯救地球?
97. Giant Dams 大坝
98. The Steam Caves of Mount Rainiers 瑞尼尔斯山的蒸汽洞
99. Greenhouse 温室效应
100. Hurricanes 飓风
Gene therapy and gene-based drugs are two ways we could benefit from our growing mastery of genetic science. But there will be others as well. Here is one of the remarkable therapies on the cutting edge of genetic research that could make their way into mainstream medicine in the coming years.
While it's true that iust about every cell in the body has the instructions to make a complete human, most of those instructions are inactivated, and with good reason: the last thing you want for your brain cells is to start churninq out stomach acidor your nose to turn into a kidney. The only time cells truly have the potential to turn into any and all body parts is very early in a pregnancy,when so called stem cells haven't begun to specialize.
Yet this potential could be a terrific boon to medicine. Most diseases involve the death of healthy cells--brain cells in Alzheimer's, cardiac cells in heart disease, pancreatic (胰腺的) cells in diabetes (糖尿病), to name a few;if doctors could isolate stem cells, then direct their growth, they might be able to furnish patients with healthy replacement tissue.
It was incredibly difficult, but last fall scientists at the University of Wisconsin managed to isolate stem cells and get them to .grow into neural,gut, muscle and bone cells. The process still can't be controlled, and may have unforeseen limitations; but if efforts to understand and master stem cell development prove successful, doctors will have a therapeutic tool of incredible power.
The same applies to cloninq, which is really lust the other side of the coin;true cloning, as first shown with the sheep Dolly, involves taking a developed cell and reactivating the genome within, resetting (重新设定) its developmental instructions to a pristine state. Once that happens, the cell can develop into a full fledged (羽毛丰满的) animal, genetically identical to its parent.
For agriculture, in which purely physical characteristics like milk production in a cow have real market value, biological carbon copies could become routine within a few years. This past year scientists have done for mice and cows what lan Wilmut did for Dolly, and other creatures are boundto join the cloned menagerie in the coming year.
Human cloning, on the other hand, may be technically feasible but legally and emotionally more difficult. Still, one day it will happen. The ability to reset body cells to a pristine, undeveloped state could Qive doctors exactly the same advantages the would et from stem cells: the potential to make healthy body tissues of all sorts, and thus to cure disease. That could prove to be a true "miracle cure".