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Lecture 1 Geoffrey Chaucer(1343——1400)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A:The General Prologue ofThe CanterburyTales
Text B:The Prologue of "The Wife of Bath'sTale"
3. Assigned readings

Lecture 2 Christopher Marlowe(1564——1593 )
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A: Dr. Faustus, Scene 3
Text B: Dr. Faustus, Scene 13 &The Epilogue
3. Assigned readings

Lecture 3 William Shakespeare(1564——1616)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A: Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1
Text B: Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2
3. Assigned readings

Lecture 4 John Dnne(1572——1631)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A:The Sun Rising
Text B:Holy Sonnets, 14
3. Assigned readings

Lecture 5 John Milton(1608——1674)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A. When I Consider How My Light Is Spent
Text B. Paradise Lost, Book 1
3. Assigned reading

Lecture 6 Alexander Pope(1688——1744)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A. An excerpt from An Essay on Criticism
Text B. An excerpt from An Essay on Man
3. Assigned readings

Lecture 7 Daniel Defoe(1660——1731)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A. An excerpt from Chapter 4 of Robinson Crusoe
Text B. Excerpts from Chapters 14 and 15 of Robinson Crusoe
3. Assigned reading

Lecture 8 Jonathan Swift(1667——-1745}
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A: Chapter 3 of Part 1 of Gulliver'sTravels
Text B. A Modest Proposal
3. Assigned reading

Lecture 9 Henry Fielding(1707——1754)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A: Chapter 8 of Book 4, Vol. 1 ofThe History ofTom Jones, a Foundling
Text B: Chapter 1 of Book 14, Vol. 2 ofThe History ofTom Jones, a Foundling
3. Assigned reading

Lecture 10 William Blake(1757——1827)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A:The Chimney Sweeper (from Songs of Innocence)
Text B:The Chimney Sweeper (from Songs of Experience)
3. Assigned readings

Lecture 11 William Wordsworth(1770——1850) and SamuelTaylor Coleridge(1772——1834)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading 1
Text A.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
3. Selected reading 2
Text B. Kubla Khan
4. Assigned readings

Lecture 12 Lord Byron(1788——1827), Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792——1822), and John Keats(1795——1821)
1. Background questions
2. Selected reading 1
Text A: Man fred, Act 3
3. Selected reading 2
Text B: OdeToThe West Wind
4. Selected reading 3
Text C: OdeTo a Grecian Urn
5. Assigned readings

Lecture 13 Jane Austen(1775——1817)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A. Volume 1, Chapter 1 of Pride and Prejudice
Text B. Volume 3, Chapter 14 of Pride and Prejudice
3. Assigned reading

Lecture 14 William MakepeaceThackeray(1811——1863)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A: Chapter 1 "Chiswick Mall" of Vanity Fair
Text B. An excerpt from Chapter 36 "HowTo Live Well on Nothing a Year" of Vanity Fair
3. Assigned readings

Lecture 15 Charles Dickens(1812——1870)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A: An excerpt from Chapter 4 of David Copper field
Text B: Chapter 3 of OliverTwist
3. Assigned reading

Lecture 16 Charlette Bronte(1816——1855) and Emily Bronte(1818 m1848)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings 1
Text A: An excerpt from Chapter 14 of Jane Eyre
Text B: An excerpt from Chapter 23 of Jane Eyre
3. Selected readings 2
Text C: An excerpt from Chapter 9 of Wuthering Heights
Text D: An excerpt from Chapter 15 of Wuthering Heights
4. Assigned readings

Lecture 17 AlfredTennyson(1809——1892) and Robert Browning(1812——1889)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings 1
Text A: CrossingThe Bar
Text B: Ulysses
3. Selected reading 2
Text C: My Last Duchess
4. Assigned readings

Lecture 18 Thomas Hardy(1840——1928)
1. Background questions
2. Selected readings
Text A: An excerpt from Chapter 19 ofTess ofThe D'Urbervilles
Text B: Excerpts from Chapter 42 and Chapter 43 ofTess ofThe D'Urbervilles
3. Assigned readings