* 如何购买
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《一天一点英文 (英汉对照)》内容提要:
《一天一点英文 (英汉对照)》图书目录:
**章 处世哲学 Do Things Reasonably
The Father and His Quarreling Sons 父亲与争吵的儿子们
The Ass and His Purchaser 驴和买驴的人
A Mouse Trap 一只鼠夹
Chopsticks 筷子
The Big Crab and the Little Crab 大螃蟹和小螃蟹
The Donkey and the Frog 驴和青蛙
The Donkey and the Sacred Statue 驴和神像
The War-horses Turning the Mill 战马推磨
Life Is a Do-it-yourself Project 打造自己的生活
The North Wind and the Sun 北风和太阳
The Camel and the Fox 骆驼和狐狸
Sowing Seeds from a Sedan Chair 蠢人种地
The Suspicious Pigeon 起疑心的鸽子
The Impatient Colt 心急的小雄马
The Good Cat 好猫
The Farmer and the Eagle 农夫和老鹰
The Crow and the Magpie 乌鸦和���鹊
The Fox and the Cockerel 狐狸和公鸡
Two Mice Drink the Milk 老鼠喝奶
The Smart Hunter 聪明的猎手
The Bat who Took Sides 没有立场的蝙蝠
Special Talents 各有所长
The New House by the Road 马路旁边的新屋
The Lion and the Elephant 狮子和大象
The Potter 陶工
The Fox and the Gadflies 狐狸和牛虻
The Indecisive Hyena 鬣狗狩猎
The Grinder, the Son and the Donkey 磨工、儿子和驴
No One but Yourself Can Defeat You 除了自己,没人能打败你
The Crocodile and the Hyena 鳄鱼和鬣狗
The Tortoise and the Scorpion 乌龟与蝎子
The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow 鹰、猫和野猪
The Ass and His Bell 驴和他的铃铛
The Diamond and the Glow-worm 钻石与萤火虫
The Lamp and the Sun 灯和太阳
The Nails and the Fence 钉子和篱笆
第二章 生存之道 The Point of It All
The Fox and the Goat 狐狸和山羊
The Regretful Deer 鹿的懊悔
The Bronze Pot and the Clay Pot 铜壶和瓦罐
The Fox and the Cicada 狐狸和蝉
The Flies and the Honey Pot 苍蝇和蜜罐
The Thief and His Mother 小偷和他的母亲
The Grasshopper and the Ants 蚱蜢和蚂蚁
The Poisonous Snake and the Lamb 毒蛇与小羊
The Wild Boar Who Sharpenes His Tusks 野猪磨牙
When the Wind Blows 当风刮起的时候
Parable of the Pencil 铅笔的寓言
The Contented Craftsman 骄傲自满的工匠
The Moon and the Well 月亮和水井
Broken Butterfly Cocoon 破茧的蝴蝶
Two Snakes Crossing the Road 两蛇过路
Carrots, Eggs, Coffee and Boiling Water 胡萝卜、鸡蛋、咖啡和沸水
The Beggar and the Miser 乞丐和吝啬鬼
The Lion and the Apple Tree 狮子和苹果树
The Monkey That Wanted to Swim 猴子游泳
The Wolf and the Shepherd 狼和牧羊人
Two Lazy Men 两个懒汉
The Proud Rooster 骄傲的公鸡
Mother Crocodile and the Wolf 鳄鱼妈妈和狼
The Lark’s House-moving 百灵鸟搬家
The Boy and the Huge Rock 男孩和巨石
The Crow and the Water Jug 乌鸦喝水
Weakness or Strength? 弱还是强
The Fox and the Sick Lion 狐狸和生病的狮子
A Magic Ring 魔戒
Stand in the Proper Position 找到适合你的位置
The Donkey and the Salt 驴和盐
The Swallow and the Other Birds 燕子和其他的鸟
Precious Hands 宝贵的双手
第三章 智慧箴言 Words of Wisdom
Sand and Stone 沙子和石头
The Shipwreck of Simonides 西莫尼狄斯遇难记
The Old Woman and the Doctor 老太婆与医生
Flower in the Desert 沙漠之花
The Crow that Wanted to Be Swan 想变成天鹅的乌鸦
The Donkey and Its Shadow 驴和他的影子
The Travelers and the Wallet 旅客和钱包
The Three Ants 三只蚂蚁
The Golden Chain 金链
The Camel and the Wild Boar’s Debate 骆驼与野猪的辩论
A Circle Missed a Wedge 缺了楔子的圆圈
The Marble Tile and the Marble Statue 地砖与雕像
The Cat that Reformed 洗心革面的猫
The Two Donkeys 两头驴
A Round Plate in the Sky 挂在空中的圆盘
The Naughty Kangaroo 淘气的袋鼠
Lion and Gnat 狮子和蚊子
The City Mouse and the Country Mouse 城里老鼠和乡下老鼠
The Swan, the Barracuda and the Prawn 天鹅、梭鱼和大虾
The Carter and Hercules 车夫和大力神
Wait a Little Longer in Despair 绝望时再等一下
The Stork, the Lobster and the Whale 鹳鸟、龙虾和鲸鱼
The Eagle and the Crow 雄鹰和乌鸦
The Conceited Rabbit 自以为是的兔子
The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf 牧童和狼
The Two Gardeners 两位园丁
Purgatory May Be Paradise 苦痛与幸福
Why Moths Are Grey? 蛾子为什么是灰色的
Dogs’Friendship 狗的友谊
Fairy Butterfly 蝴蝶仙子
Spendthrift and Swallow 浪子和燕子
The Old, Old Wine 陈年老酒
The Ass 驴
The Travelers and the Bear 旅行者和熊
第四章 生活睿语 Life Sagacity
The Country Maid and Her Milk Can 村姑和牛奶罐
The Wolf and His Shadow 狼和它的影子
The Farmer and His Donkey 农夫和驴
God Is at Work 上帝在看着你
The Lion and the Mouse 狮子和老鼠
The Secret of Happiness 幸福的秘密
The Fox and the Grapes 狐狸和葡萄
The Cobbler and the Banker 鞋匠和银行家
The Crow and the Buffalo 乌鸦和水牛
A Heart’s-Ease 心安草
Mercury and the Woodman 墨丘利和樵夫
The Owl’s Children 猫头鹰的孩子
Give Love Wings 将爱放飞
The Judge and the Thief 法官和小偷
Now and Then 此一时彼一时
The Crow and the Peacocks 乌鸦与孔雀
The Ostrich in Love 恋爱的鸵鸟
The Squirrel and the Lion 松鼠和狮子
A Wildcat Stealing Chicken 野猫偷鸡
The Brothers in Joint Farming 兄弟合种田
The Bird’s Beauty Pageant 鸟国选美
The Monkey Who Didn’t Fall Down Intentionally 失足跌倒的猴子
The Stingy Rich Man 吝啬鬼
The Kitten Who Went Fishing 小猫钓鱼
The Roar of the Mountain 大山的吼叫
The Miser 守财奴
Two Peasants 两个农夫
Jupiter and the Sheep 朱庇特和绵羊
The Olive Tree and the Fig Tree 橄榄树和无花果树
How Poor We Really Are 我们是多么贫穷
The Kind Fox 善良的狐狸
The Frog and the Bullock 蛤蟆和牯牛
The Fox and the Tiger 狐狸和老虎
Values 价值
Leave Time Behind You 把时间放在身后
The Vixen and the Lioness 雌狐与母狮
Two Dogs 两只狗
The Fox Beside an Ice-hole 冰窟边的狐狸
《一天一点英文 (英汉对照)》文章节选:
**章 处世哲学 Do Things Reasonably
A Mouse Trap 一只鼠夹