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店主称呼:烟先生   联系方式:购买咨询请联系我  13419507575    地址:湖北省 武汉市 洪山区 鲁磨路
作/译者:王素凤 出版社:中国环境科学出版社
ISBN:9787801638335 [十位:7801638336]
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Unit 1 Ecological Environment
Part 1 Ecosystem Biomes
Part 2 Ecosystem Pathways
Part 3 Ecosystem Producers, Consumers, Decomposers
Part 4 Ecosystem-Rock Cycles
Part 5 Ecosystem Communication
Part 6 Plants That Purify: Nature's Way to Treat Sewage

Unit 2 Environmental Disturbance and Problems.
Part 1 Destructive Power of Nature
1. Avalanche
2. Tsunami
3. E1 Nifio
4. Earthquake
5. Flood
6. Lightning
7. Volcanoes
8. Desertification
Part 2 Destructive Power of Mankind
1. Deforestation
2. Endangered Species
Part 3 The Problems We Face
1. Population Growth
2. Air Pollution
3. Water Pollution

Unit 3 The Effects of Pollution
Part 1 The Effects of Air Pollution on Health
Introduction to the Damage to Human Health of Air Pollution
1. Outdoor Air and Health
2. Indoor Air: Still a Major Threat
3. Six Air Pollutants Have the Greatest Impact on the Health of Children and Adults Reading Material: The Health Effects of Air Pollution
4. Effects of Air Pollution on Living Organisms and on Materials
5. The Effects of the Earth Warming
Part 2 The Effects of Water Pollution
1. Infectious Diseases Associated with Poor Water Quality
2. Impact of Wastewater Irrigation on Health
3. The Effects of Water Pollution in the Great Lakes
4. Toxic Effects of Metals in Water Pollution
Part 3 The Effects of Solid Wastes
1. Hazardous Solid Wastes
2. The Relationship Between Climate Change and Solid Waste
Part 4 The Effects of Noise PollutionNoise pollution: A Health Problem.Introduction
1. Hearing Loss
2. Heart Disease
3. The Body's Other Reactions
4. Noise and the Unborn
5. Special Effects on Children
6. Intrusion at Home and Work
7. Sleep Disruption
8. Mental and Social Well-Being
9. Danger to Life and Limb
10. A Final Word

Unit 4 Pollution Control
Introduction to Pollution Control
Part 1 Environmental Management Systems
1. About ISO14000
2. About the Kyoto Protocol
3. Environment and Economy
4. Environmental Management in American
5. Information on Hong Kong's Environmental Laws
6. Something about Chinese Mainland
7. Environmental Related Treaties in WTO
Part 2 Pollution Control Engineering
1. Methods of Wastewater Treatment
Reading Material: Treatment of Slaughterhouse Wastewater
in One-stage and in Two-stage UASB Reactors
2. Methods of Cleaning Air
Reading Material: For Fabric Filters
3. Techniques for Removal Pollutants from Soil
Reading Material: Cleaning of Mercury Contaminated Soil by
Using a Combined Washing and Distillation Process
Reading Material: How to Avoid The Harm of Pesticide in America

Among the more significant point sources are municipal landfills and industrialwaste disposal sites. When either of these occur in or near sand and gravel aquifers, thepotential for widespread contamination is the greatest.
In Ville Mercier, Quebec, for example, the disposal of industrial wastes intolagoons in an old gravel pit over many years rendered the water supplies of thousandsof residents in the region unusable. Water had to be pumped from a well 10 kilometersaway to replace the area's supply.
Other point sources are individually less significant, but they occur in largenumbers all across the country. Some of these dangerous and widespread sources ofcontamination are septic tanks, leaks and spills of petroleum products and of denseindustrial organic liquids.
Septic systems are designed so that some of the sewage is degraded in the tank andsome is degraded and absorbed by the surrounding sand and subsoil. Contaminants thatmay enter groundwater from septic systems include bacteria, viruses, detergents, andhousehold cleaners. These can create serious contamination problems. Despite the factthat septic tanks and cesspools are known sources of contaminants, they are poorlymonitored and very little studied.
Contamination can render groundwater unsuitable for use. Although the overallextent of the problem across Canada is unknown, many individual cases ofcontamination have been investigated such as Ville Mercier in Quebec; the highwayde-icing salt problem in Nova Scotia; industrial effluents in Elmira, Ontario; variouspesticides in the Prairie provinces; industrial contamination in Vancouver, BritishColumbia; and so on. In many cases, contamination is recognized only aftergroundwater users have been exposed to potential health risks. The cost of cleaning upcontaminated water supplies is usually extremely high.
Contamination problems are increasing in Canada primarily because of the largeand growing number of toxic compounds used in
…… 当前,环境问题日益严重,环境科学专业已经成为大中专院校的热门学科之一。为了使环境专业的学生掌握专业英语词汇,熟悉科技交流的英语表达方式,以便能顺利阅读英文版环境科技读物,更大程序地丰富专业知识,多层次多角度了解全球科学信息,把握国内外科技进展,我们编写了这本书,力求给读者专业、环境管理专业、环境监理专业、环境法学专业、食品**专业以及环境工程专业的学生使用。