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Chapter 1 Communication: An Intercultural Perspective
I. Basics of Human Communication
1. Needs and Purposes for Communication
2. Definition of Communication
3. The Scope and Classification of Communication
4. The Process of Communication
5. Characteristics of Communication
II. A Review of Intercultural Communication Study
1. Intercultural Communication Study in the U.S.
2. Intercultural Communication Study in China
3. The Multidisciplinary Nature of Intercultural Communication Study
III. A Review of Intercultural Business Communication
1. The Research of Intercultural Business Communication
2. The Importance of Learning Intercultural Business Communication
3. The Complexity in Learning Intercultural Business Communication

Chapter 2 Understanding Cultures and Their Values
I. The Nature of Culture
1. Definitions of Culture
2. Ingredients of Culture
3. Characteristics of Culture
II. The Basics of Cultural Values
1. Definition of Value
2. Values Form the Core of Culture
3. Priorities of Cultural Values
III. Understanding Cultural Patterns
1. Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Value Orientations
2. Hofstede-Bond's Value Dimensions
3. Trompenaars' Value Dimensions
4. Schwartz's Value Inventory
5. Hall's High- and Low-context Orientation

Chapter 3 Comprehending Verbal Communication
I. The Relation Between language and Culture
1. The Influence of Culture on Language
2. The Influence of Language on Culture
II. Cultural Impact on Language at Various Levels
1. Meanings of Words
2. Sociolinguistic Rules
3. Analysis of Speech Acts
4. Discourse Patterns
5. Verbal Styles

Chapter 4 Perceiving Nonverbal Communication
I. The Basics of Nonverbal Communication
1. Defining Nonverbal Communication
2. The Importance of Nonverbal Communication
3. Functions of Nonverbal Communication
II. Cultural Impact on Nonverbal Communication
1. Body Movement
2. Eye Contact
3. Touch
4. Smell
5. Paralanguage
6. Spatial Language
7. Temporal Language

Chapter 5 Intercultural Business Writing
I. The Importance of Writing in Intercultural Business Communication
II. Cultural Consideration in Planning Business Messages
1. Defining Purpose
2. Analyzing Intercultural Audiences
3. Selecting a Channel and Medium
III. Cultural Consideration in Organizing Business Messages
1. Organizing Routine, Good-news, and Goodwill Messages
2. Organizing Bad-news Messages
3. Organizing Persuasive Messages
4. Organizing Reports
5. Organizing Employment Messages
IV. Cultural Differences in Format and Layout of Business Letters

Chapter 6 Intercultural Business Etiquette and Protocol
I. The Importance of Appropriate Etiquette and Protocol
II. Defining Business Etiquette and Protocol
III. Cultural Differences in Business Etiquette and Protocol
1. Initial Business Relationships
2. Social Entertainment
3. Gift-giving Etiquette
4. Business Dress
5. Business Scheduling
6. The Use of Humor
Chapter 7 Intercultural Business Negotiation
I. Defining Intercultural Negotiation
II. Intercultural Negotiation Variables
1. Factors Influencing Business Negotiation
2. Analysis of Intercultural Negotiation Variables
III. Intercultural Negotiation Models and Styles
1. Intercultural Negotiation Models
2. Intercultural Negotiation Styles
IV. Intercultural Negotiation Strategies and Guidelines
1. Intercultural Negotiation Strategies
2. ' Intercultural Negotiation Guidelines

Chapter 8 Intercultural Marketing Communication
I. A Cultural Approach to International Marketing
1. Marketing: Borrowed Concepts and Practicos
2. Marketing as an Exchange and Communication Process
II. Cultural Influence on Selected Aspects of Marketing and
1. Verbal Language
2. Nonverbal language
3. Rituals and Religions
4. Values
III. Global Marketing and Advertising
1. Controversial Issues of Global Marketing
2. Thinking Globally and Acting Locally
3. The Global Consumer

Chapter 9 Intercultural Business Ethics
I. law and Ethics of Intercultural Business Communication
1. The Nature of Legal Environment of International Business
2. Ethical Dilemmas in Intercultural Business Communication
II. Major Legal and Ethical Issues in Intercultural Business
1. Protection of Intellectual Property
2. Dispute Settlement Through Legal Channels
3. Labor-management Relations and Employment
4. The Issue of Bribery and Corruption
III. Building Ethical Competence in Intercultural Business
1. Moral Philosophies or Relevance to Business Ethics
2. Incorporating Ethics into International Business Decisions
3. A Universal Set of Ethics

Chapter 10 Organizational Culture and Intercultural Communication
I. The Foundations of Organizational Culture
1. Defining Organizational Culture
2. The Function of Organizational Culture
3. Differences Between Organizational and National Cultures
4. Types of Organizational Culture
II. The Role of Communication in Organizations
1. The Structure of Communication in Organizations
2. Intercultural Communication Needs in Organizations
III. Intercultural Communication Training in Organizations
1. Content Areas of Intercultural Communication Training
2. A Four-step Approach to Improving Intercultural
Communication Competence
Key to Exercises
From data collected in 63 countries, with more than 60,000 individuals taking part, Schwartz derived a total of 10 distinct value types (power, achievement, hedonism, stimulation, self-direction, universalism, benevolence, tradition, conformity, and security) at an individual-level analysis.
These individual level Value types each represent a number of values which can be combined in a joint "idea": Values located in the "Power' value type are likely to indicate an individual who values social status and prestige or control and dominance over people and resources. High scores in the "Achievement" value type would indicate a high priority given to personal success and admiration. "Hedonism" represents a value type where preference is given to pleasure and self-gratification. "Stimulation" represents a group of values that express a preference for an exciting life, and "Self-direction"a distinct group of values that value independence, creativity, and freedom. The "Universalism" value type on the other side represents a preference for social justice and tolerance, whereas the "Benevolence" value domain contains values promoting the welfare of others. The "Conformity" value type contains values that represent obedience and the "Tradition" value type is made up out of values representing a respect for traditions and customs. Lastly, the "Security" value type is a value orientation containing values relating to the safety, harmony, and welfare of society and of oneself (Schwartz, 2001).
Viewed in a circular order, these ten types of values can be ordered into four higher order value types: "openness to change" combines stimulation, self-direction, and a part of hedonism; "self- enhancement" combines achievement and power as well as the remainder of hedonism. On the opposite side of the circle, "conservation" combines the value orientations of security, tradition, and conformity; and "self- transcendence", which combines universalism and benevolence. These four
…… 一个企业的成功,不仅取决于它的生产能力,而且取决于它的文化能力;在国际商务活动中,还取决于它的跨文化交际能力。