Sports in the United States, as in other countries, are an importantpart of the national culture. However, the sporting culture of the U. S. isdifferent from that of many other countries, especially those in Europe.For one, Americans prefer a different set of sports. Soccer is a minorsport in the U.S. compared to baseball, American football, basketballand ice hockey this gives the U.S. a huge adavantage as few othercountries play its sports, especially American football and baseball. Sec-ondly, sports are organized differently in the U. S. than in many other coun-tries, with schools and colleges and universities playing an important role.
Baseball has a huge following and is referred to as the "nationalpastime" ; Major League Baseball teams play almost every day from Aprilto October.Professional baseball began in the United States around1865, and the National League was founded in 1876 as the first true ma-jor league. The World Series is the championship series of Major LeagueBaseball, the culmination of the sport's postseason each October. It isplayed between the pennant winner of the American League and the pen-nant winner of the National League. The Series winner is determinedthrough a best-of-seven playoff. Notable baseball players include Shoe-less Joe Jackson, Babe Ruth, Sandy Koufax and Hank Aaron. Baseballand its sister, softball, are also popular participatory sports in the U. S. 语言是文化的载体。对于语言学习者来说,了解相关的政治、历史、经济与文化是十分重要的。本人从事英语教学多年,深感需要一部内容丰富翔实的教��。要了解一个**的现状,必须了解其过去,所以本书不但介绍了美国的现状,也较为详细地介绍了美国的历史及其发展。学生通过教材接触真实的语言环境,了解美国社会及文化背景,有助于拓展他们的知识面,让学习者在实践中学习语言、历史、经济与文化。本书重在强调学习的过程,让学生在主动参与中来提高其实际应用技能。本书共有31个章节,介绍了美国的风土人情、礼仪习俗、历史简况和社会现状等。语言地道纯正,文字流畅,难度适中。本书是为高等学校英语专业低年级学生编写的专业教科书,也可用作非英语专业高年级学生基础选修课的教材。