1991 census more than 30% of Canadians reported an origin other than British or French. But that percentage is most heavily concentrated in Ontario and western Canada. When one looks only at the 16% of Canadians who were born outside Canada, the regional variations are even more striking. Rural areas, small towns, Quebec and Atlantic Canada are home to fewer foreign-born people than is the rest of Canada. In rural Quebec, for example, the vast majority of the population was not only born in Canada but so were their parents, grandparents and great grandparents. By contrast, approximately 90% of foreign-born Canadians live in Canada's 15 largest urban centres. But, here again, the distribution of foreign-born is uneven. Some cities, notably in the Maritime provinces and in Quebec (outside Montreal), have relatively fewer foreign born. On the other hand, 30% of all Vancouver residents and 38% of all Toronto re sidents (more than a million people in Toronto alone) were born outside Canada.