

  • 作者:William Stallings(威廉.斯托林斯)
  • 出版社:电子工业出版社
  • ISBN:9787121206764
  • 出版日期:2013年07月01日
  • 页数:556
  • 定价:¥69.00
  • 分享领佣金




    本书是一本关于操作系统的概念、结构和机制的教材,其目的是尽可能清楚和全面地展示现代操作系统的本质和特点;同时,本书也是讲解操作系统的经典教材,不仅系统地讲述了操作系统的基本概念、原理和方法,而且以当代*流行的操作系统——Windows 7、UNIX和Linux为例,全面清楚地展现了当代操作系统的本质和特点。与本书配套的专用网站,为帮助教师和学生理解书中内容,提供了及时、生动的材料。 操作系统-精髓与设计原理-(第七版)-英文版_William Stallings(威廉.斯托林斯)_电子工业出版社_
    Polymorphism: Internally, Windows uses a common set of API functions to manipulate objects of any type; this is a feature of polymorphism, as defined in Appendix D. However, Windows is not completely polymorphic because there are many APIs that are specific to a single object type.The reader unfamiliar with object-oriented concepts should review Appendix D.
    Not all entities in Windows are objects. Objects are used in cases where data are intended for user mode access or when data access is shared or restricted. Among the entities represented by objects are files, processes, threads, semaphores, timers, and graphical windows. Windows creates and manages all types of objects in a uniform way, via the object manager. The object manager is responsible for creat- ing and destroying objects on behalf of applications and for granting access to an object's services and data.
    Each object within the Executive, sometimes referred to as a kernel object (to distinguish from user-level objects not of concern to the Executive), exists as a memory block allocated by the kernel and is directly accessible only by kernel mode components. Some elements of the data structure (e.g., object name, security parameters, usage count) are common to all object types, while other elements are specific to a particular object type (e.g., a thread object's priority). Because these object data structures are in the part of each process's address space accessible only by the kernel, it is impossible for an application to reference these data structures and read or write them directly. Instead, applications manipulate objects indirectly through the set of object manipulation functions supported by the Executive. When an object is created, the application that requested the creation receives back a handle for the object. In essence, a handle is an index into a per-process Executive table containing a pointer to the referenced object. This handle can then be used by any thread within the same process to invoke Win32 functions that work with objects, or can be duplicated into other processes.
    Objects may have security information associated with them, in the form of a Security Descriptor (SD). This security information can be used to restrict access to the object based on contents of a token object which describes a par- ticular user. For example, a process may create a named semaphore object with the intent that only certain users should be able to open and use that semaphore. The SD for the semaphore object can list those users that are allowed (or denied) access to the semaphore object along with the sort of. access permitted (read, write, change, etc.).
    In Windows, objects may be either named or unnamed. When a process creates an unnamed object, the object manager returns a handle to that object, and the handle is the only way to refer to it. Handles can be inherited by child processes, or duplicated between processes. Named objects are also given a name that other unrelated processes can use to obtain a handle to the object.
    Chapter 1 Operating System Overview
    1.1 Operating System Objectives and Functions
    1.2 The Evolution of Operating Systems
    1.3 Major Achievements
    1.4 Developments Leading to Modern Operating Systems
    1.5 Virtual Machines
    1.6 OS Design Considerations for Multiprocessor and Multicore
    1.7 Microsoft Windows Overview
    1.8 Traditional UNIX Systems
    1.9 Modern UNIX Systems
    1.10 Linux
    1.11 Linux VServer Virtual Machine Architecture
    1.12 Recommended Reading and Web Sites
    1.13 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems
    Chapter 2 Process Description and Control
    2.1 What Is a Process?
    2.2 Process States
    2.3 Process Description
    2.4 Process Control
    2.5 Execution of the Operating System
    2.6 Security Issues
    2.7 UNIX SVR4 Process Management
    2.8 Summary
    2.9 Recommended Reading
    2.10 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems
    Chapter 3 Threads
    3.1 Processes and Threads
    3.2 Types of Threads
    3.3 Multicore and Multithreading
    3.4 Windows 7 Thread and SMP Management
    3.5 Solaris Thread and SMP Management
    3.6 Linux Process and Thread Management
    3.7 Mac OS X Grand Central Dispatch
    3.8 Summary
    3.9 Recommended Reading
    3.10 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems
    Chapter 4 Concurrency: Mutual Exclu- sion and Synchronization
    4.1 Principles of Concurrency
    4.2 Mutual Exclusion: Hardware Support
    4.3 Semaphores
    4.4 Monitors
    4.5 Message Passing
    4.6 Readers/Writers Problem
    4.7 Summary
    4.8 Recommended Reading
    4.9 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems
    Chapter 5 Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation
    5.1 Principles of Deadlock
    5.2 Deadlock Prevention
    5.3 Deadlock Avoidance
    5.4 Deadlock Detection
    5.5 An Integrated Deadlock Strategy
    5.6 Dining Philosophers Problem
    5.7 UNIX Concurrency Mechanisms
    5.8 Linux Kernel Concurrency Mechanisms
    5.9 Solaris Thread Synchronization Primitives
    5.10 Windows 7 Concurrency Mechanisms
    5.11 Summary
    5.12 Recommended Reading
    5.13 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems
    Chapter 6 Memory Management
    6.1 Memory Management Requirements
    6.2 Memory Partitioning
    6.3 Paging
    6.4 Segmentation
    6.5 Security Issues
    6.6 Summary
    6.7 Recommended Reading
    6.8 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems
    6A Loading and Linking
    Chapter 7 Virtual Memory
    7.1 Hardware and Control Structures
    7.2 Operating System Software
    7.3 UNIX and Solaris Memory Management
    7.4 Linux Memory Management
    7.5 Windows Memory Management
    7.6 Summary
    7.7 Recommended Reading and Web Sites
    7.8 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems
    Chapter 8 Uniprocessor Scheduling
    8.1 Types of Processor Scheduling
    8.2 Scheduling Algorithms
    8.3 Traditional UNIX Scheduling
    8.4 Summary
    8.5 Recommended Reading
    8.6 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems
    Chapter 9 Multiprocessor and Real-Time Scheduling
    9.1 Multiprocessor Scheduling
    9.2 Real-Time Scheduling
    9.3 Linux Scheduling
    9.4 UNIX SVR4 Scheduling
    9.5 UNIX FreeBSD Scheduling
    9.6 Windows Scheduling
    9.7 Linux Virtual Machine Process Scheduling
    9.8 Summary
    9.9 Recommended Reading
    9.10 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems
    Chapter 10 I/O Management and Disk Scheduling
    10.1 I/O Devices
    10.2 Organization of the I/O Function
    10.3 Operating System Design Issues
    10.4 I/O Buffering
    10.5 Disk Scheduling
    10.6 RAID
    10.7 Disk Cache
    10.8 UNIX SVR4 I/O
    10.9 Linux I/O
    10.10 Windows I/O
    10.11 Summary
    10.12 Recommended Reading
    10.13 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems
    Chapter 11 File Management
    11.1 Overview
    11.2 File Organization and Access
    11.3 B-Trees
    11.4 File Directories
    11.5 File Sharing
    11.6 Record Blocking
    11.7 Secondary Storage Management
    11.8 File System Security
    11.9 UNIX File Management
    11.10 Linux Virtual File System
    11.11 Windows File System
    11.12 Summary
    11.13 Recommended Reading
    11.14 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems
    本书是畅销书作者William Stallings的力作,其第四版层获得美国计算机科学与工程类教材大奖。本书清晰、完整地讲解了现代操作系统的概念、结构和机制。作者全面分析了操作系统设计的**目标和挑战,在线程、并发性、内存管理等主要领域都给出了权威的讲解。本书包含了大量的教学支持材料,是多种人群的理想读物。



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