日常生活 Daily Life bag [b?ɡ] n. 袋,包,钱包,背包 I am frightened by the
bag which is full of snakes. 我被那个装满蛇的袋子吓坏了。 belt [belt] n. 腰带,皮带,区
Hang on to the belt—we're off. 抓住吊带——我们要出发了。 boot [bu:t] n. 靴子,长统靴
She stood on her bare feet, with her boots thrown beside.
她光脚站着,靴子在一边扔着。 brim [brim] n. 边,边缘,帽沿 There is a little girl
dancing at the fountain's brim. 有个小女孩在泉边跳舞。 button ['b?tn] n.
扣子,按钮; vt. 扣紧 Mom, could you stitch a button on my skirt?
妈妈,你能给我的裙子钉上一颗纽扣吗? cap [k?p] n. 帽子,便帽,帽状物 I know that cap; it's a
service cap. 我认识那顶帽子,那是一顶军帽。 cloak [kl?uk] n. 斗篷,覆盖(物) The woman
who wears a red cloak is the duchess. 穿着红色斗篷的那个女人是公爵夫人。 closet
['kl?zit] n. 壁橱,衣帽间,密室,厕所;adj. 隐藏的,不公开的,空谈的; vt. 把……关在房间里 There's
still damp in the closet. 这个衣柜还是有点潮湿。 cloth [kl?θ] n. 布,衣料,桌布 Don't
worry. This cloth is made of very durable material.
别担心,这种衣服是用非常耐用的料子做成的。 clothes [kl?u?z] n. 衣服,服装,被褥 Could you take
this heap of dirty clothes to the laundry? 你能把这堆脏衣服送到洗衣店吗? clothing
['kl?u?i?] n. 衣服,被褥 To the victims, what they need most is food,
clothing and shelter. 对于灾民来说,他们*需要的是吃的、穿的和住的。 coat [k?ut] n.
外套,上衣,表皮 If your coat is too large, the tailor can alter it to fit
you. 如果你的上衣过大,裁缝可以依据你的体形给你修改。 collar ['k?l?] n. 衣领,项圈 I recommend
you this shirt, for a stiff collar may chafe your neck.
我向你**这件衬衣,因为硬领可能会磨疼你的脖子。 cotton ['k?tn] n. 棉,棉线,棉布 According to
these symptoms, I can conclude that these cotton plants have got
the disease of blight. 根据这些症状,我可以推断出这些棉花得了枯萎病。 fabric ['f?brik] n.
织物,布,构造,组织 We must find out the fabric of this machine.
我们必须弄明白这些机器的构造。 gown [ɡaun] n. 长袍,长外衣 Her mother made her a gown as
a gift. 她妈妈给她做了件长袍作为礼物。 leather ['le??] n. 皮革,皮革制品 My aunt likes
the gloves best which are made of leather. 我阿姨*喜欢皮革手套。 material
[m?'ti?ri?l] n. 材料,素材 adj. 物质的,有形的,实质性的 These fatigue clothes are
made of very durable material. 这些工装是用非常耐用的料子做的。 nylon ['nail?n] n.
尼龙,耐纶 My coat is made of nylon. 我的外套是尼龙的。 overall ['?uv?r?:l] n.
工装裤; adj. 全面的 The overall length of the highway is 1000 kilometers.
这条高速公路的全长是1000公里。 The ____ goal of the book is to help bridge the
gap between research and teaching, particularly the gap between
researchers and teachers. A) joint B) intensive C) overall D)
decisive 详 解:选C。题意为:这本书总的目标就是帮助消除科研与教学,尤其是科研人员与教师之间的隔阂。overall
overcoat ['?uv?k?ut] n. 外衣,大衣 It's hot today, but she is wearing an
overcoat. 今天很热,但是她穿着一件长大衣。 pure [pju?] adj. 纯粹的,纯洁的 Her sweater is
made of pure wool. 她的毛衣是用纯羊毛做的。 rag [r?ɡ] n. 破布,碎布,抹布 Look, the
ragged man is dragging a wagon of rag fragments.
看,那个衣衫破烂的人拉着一货车破布碎片。 robe [r?ub] n. 长袍,长衣,浴衣 The policeman dressed
in a robe dipped in blood. 那个警察穿着溅了血的衣服。 rubber ['r?b?] n. 橡皮(擦子)
adj. 橡胶的 I know you have no rubber band, but you can bind up your
hair with a handkerchief. 我知道你没有皮筋,可是你可以用手绢把头发扎起来嘛! shorts [??:ts]
n. 短裤 Nobody is allowed into the school in shorts. 任何人都不许穿短裤进入学校。
sole [s?ul] n. 脚底,鞋底,袜底 adj. 单独的,**的 His sole wish is to support
his son for university. 他**的愿望是能供儿子上大学。 sweater ['swet?] n.
厚运动衫,毛线衫 Her mother knit her a new sweater before winter.
在冬天到来之前,她妈妈给她织了一件新毛衣。 textile ['tekstail] n. 纺织品; adj. 纺织的 A new
textile emerged in the market. 一种新织物出现在市场上。 texture ['tekst??] n.
质地,手感,口感,组织,结构,纹理,特点 Cotton fabric has a pleasant texture and is
very comfortable. 棉布的手感很好,而且也很舒适。 thermal ['θ?:ml] adj.
热的,由热造成的,保暖的 This thermal underwear is in a high quality.
这件保暖内衣质量很好。 thick [θik] adj. 厚的,密的,浓的 My thick clothing made me
tired when climing the mountain. 爬山时,我的厚衣使我感到不负重荷。考点:through thick
and thin 不顾艰难险阻,在任何情况下 tie [tai] n. 领带,联系; vt. 系,打结 vi. 不分胜负 His
tie often does not match with his suit. 他的领带与他的西装总是不(相)配。考点:tie
down 限制,牵制;tie up 拴