During the last few years, analytical and computation methods have been greatlydeveloped in the field of concrete building exposed to high temperature or accidentalfire. The transient heat flow within a fire-exposed structure is governed by the heat bal-ance equation. At elevated high temperature or accidental fire, concrete surfaces ex-posed to heat are significantly affected. At free surfaces, the heat flow is caused byconvection4 and radiation. A preliminary evaluation of the failure criteria showed thatfailure of heated concrete surface occurs most likely by crack formation parallel to thehot surface, degradation of concrete strength and pressurization of concrete pores.
Canadian Writers
Both English Canadian Literature and French Canadian Literaturereached an all-time high from the period of 1960s to 1980s. Canadian Litera-ture had three characteristics in this period of time.
1) The number of Canadian authors grew up rapidly.
2) The range of the subjects of Canadian Literary works was many andvaried.
3) Critic team of Canadian Literature became mature.
Canadian Literature forum had a small number of gifted authors thatcould show their brilliant talents before 1960s. However, just beginning of1960, the new writers across Canada sprang up like mushrooms. Some ofthem quickly became famous both in Canada and in the world. In the teamof new generation of the writersinclude; Margaret Laurence, Al-fred Earl Bimey, Dorothy Livesay,Dave Godfrey, Margaret Atwood,Douglas Gordon Jones and etc,too numerous to mention. Theyhave enjoyed great prestige amongthe World Literary forum.
Margaret Laurence is one ofthe major contemporary Canadianwriters and is very productivewriter. She was born in Mani-toba, Canada. From age seven,she wrote stories and from that time on she started her writing career.