Production and marketing of goods and services are the essence ofeconomic life in any society. Marketing can be viewed in many differentways such as a concept, a philosophy, an orientation, a function, or adiscipline. To some extent, marketers are sellers. Of course, marketing israther more complex than selling and buying, but it is about attractingcustomers, selling things, competing with others and making a profit in acertain kind of market. The role of marketing has changed as oureconomic systems have developed. 进入21世纪,伴随着中国对外开放的深入和全球经济一体化的到来,中国企业的机遇与挑战也相伴而来。一方而,中国企业的市场范围扩展到全球范围;另一方面,中国企业要面临国内外对手的激烈竞争。企业生存环境的变化引发了对外语人才需求的变化。越来越多的企业需要的外语人才不仅要精通语言与文化,亦要掌握某一领域的专业知识。为迎接挑战,近年来国内许多高校纷纷开设双语教学课,并使用国外原版教材,但这引发了如F问题,即,大多数国外原版教材的视角和商务环境是美国,案例分析也多来自美围,教材内容与中国商务与文化环境并不相符,这极大影响了学习的效率与效果。